Photo credit: Daniël Verkijk
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The Twente-based company Quix is supplying the processor with which France intends to take the next step in the development of quantum technology. Recently, President Macron presented the French national quantum technology program, which shows that the country is firmly committed to photonics. Quix is the global leader in quantum photonic processors. The French quantum computer is being built by Quandela, the leading quantum technology company in France.

“Last year, we demonstrated the largest photonic processor in the world,” says Jelmer Renema, CTO at QuiX. “The main difference with ours is it’s a turnkey product – not as something that looks like what might come out of a university collaboration.”

Most photonics (such as microchips) can take years to develop into a processor. What QuiX have created is a plug-and-play quantum processor for quantum computing companies to build around. They sold another processor last month to Quontrol, a British quantum technologies start-up. They are one of very few companies to have sold such a product – and they’ve done so two months in a row.

Quantum computing on the rise

Quantum computing is predicted to perform computations for probability far faster than classic supercomputers.  They have special application in fields that rely on equations for predictive outcomes. Complex financial models, machine learning algorithms, or running multiple chemistry tests could all be revolutionized by quantum computers.

 The Netherlands has led the charge in quantum computing in Europe for some time. It recently invested 615 million euros into the quantum sector. However, it is being developed throughout Europe. Quantum technologies are changing rapidly and more countries that jump onboard mean they will continue to improve.

“If you look back at the 30s and 40s – building a single computer was a national effort,” says Renema. “Now, the technology is getting to the point where the first few systems are out there that can outperform a classical computer.”  

Read about how quantum computers can solve traffic jams.