Growth in the number of jobs has increased during 2015 because of foreign investment in the Brainport Region. A total of 8000 new jobs were created in the Region because of new national and international business activity.
Data for the rest of the region also look positive. BOM (Brabant Development Organization) assisted thirty companies during 2015, in their investments in the province of Brabant. This resulted in a total of 1756 jobs, with an amount of 118 million invested by these companies. Jan Pelle, General Director of BOM: “We are especially happy with these results. Not only does the region benefit from the creation of new jobs, but even more so the surrounding environment benefits from their presence. This gives Brabant the vibrancy it needs for growth”.
2015 saw investments by the Japanese company Shimano (bike components) and the European logistics centre by telecom giant Huawei, and BOM assisted existing foreign companies with their expansion, Forever21 (fashion) and Tesla (electric cars).
The logistical sector will be an important role for Brabant, due to its excellent location and fast connections within Europe, with above average attention from fashion, high tech and life sciences, according to Eelko Brinkhoff, Manager Foreign Investments, BOM.
Therefore the outlook for 2016 looks positive with about 300 projects in view with interest from the US and Asia, in the area of logistics, high tech, life sciences and agrifood.
Translator: Jennifer den Dekker, Eindhoven News