Eindhoven-based TUSTI has been named the Best Chemical Start-up of 2016. The start-up got the award -known as De Gouden Kiem 2016- from NWO Chemical Sciences, Topsector Chemical and InnovationLink. The award is handed out every year.
TUSTI recycles plastic packaging on an industrial scale. The company puts a strong focus on making that process a durable and environment-friendly one. TUSTI processes the plastic and sells it to partners afterwards.
Methods that clean and recycle plastic packaging that exist still cause an amount of pollution and are not cost effective. TUST attacks that problem.
The Gouden KIEM was awarded to TUSTI because the company mixes its academic roots with a strong entrepeneural spirit. According to the jury, the company also has a strong impact on society.
The Gouden Kiem has been awarded once a year since 2014. Companies in the chemical sector that have only existed for three years or less can be nominated for the award, as long as they have roots in a university.