E52 has plans for expansion – and is looking for a project leader to support this
In three years’ time, E52 has grown into the platform for up-to-date information about innovation and the economy of innovation within the Brainport Eindhoven region. We show this with an average of four messages per day on our website, with four events per year, with newsletters and a WhatsApp service, on social media, with talk shows, with newspapers and books. And all this in two languages: Dutch and English.
Because of the interest outside Eindhoven in this formula, we decided to take two major steps forward. Firstly, with a branch in Munich (on the same basis as E52 in Eindhoven), secondly, with an overarching platform that ultimately has to provide Europe with relevant information about innovation and the way in which this shapes our future society.
As you can imagine, we’re very excited about it.
In order to steer the growth ambition in the right direction and to take on the opportunities that present themselves in this process, we are looking for someone who can lead this project from Eindhoven for at least 3 days a week.