From next summer onwards, the Eindhoven Library will be experimenting with personalised reading advice. Based on the library’s loan data, users will receive book suggestions after they show a book they like to a scanner. The core of the advice is the ‘others who read this book, also read …‘ principle. The idea comes from ‘Expeditie Anton’, the innovation initiative of the Eindhoven library that was started a few years ago.
For the time being, the application is based on lending data from the Eindhoven Library only, but at a later stage, it is intended that this will be linked to the data warehouse of the Royal Library. This data warehouse can use lending data offered by libraries throughout the country.
A touchscreen and a barcode scanner on which the application can run in the pilot phase is to be delivered before 1 July, after which the test phase will begin.
If the trial is successful, the library will also go for a sequel, including the possibility of making money from it. “The ultimate goal is to bring our Digital Book Advice to the attention of other libraries, who can then purchase this product”, writes the library in a report about Expedition Anton. “A survey among the visitors to our library conference session showed that there is a great deal of interest in this type of application. Nearly three-quarters of those present saw a good opportunity to improve the service to their visitors and customers.”
The Eindhoven Library remains the owner of the application, including the rights to sell this product to other libraries, for example.