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Dutch research institute DIFFER and Toyota are developing a unique reactor to capture and efficiently store COշ from the air using sunlight. An invention that could contribute significantly to reducing COշ emissions. Recently, Toyota presented a prototype of the COշ capture device at an event in Paris.

A new reactor

Storing CO₂ from the air is an energy-intensive process. The new reactor, developed by DIFFER in collaboration with Toyota, offers an innovative solution by combining light-assisted processes and membrane technology. This combination simplifies the process in a single device.

The concept revolves around light-absorbing materials and photoelectrochemical membrane reactors. This technology uses sunlight to capture CO₂ from the atmosphere. The CO₂ is then transported to specific compartments where it can be stored for later use. The invention uses abundantly available materials and components, increasing the potential for large-scale application.

Multiple applications

The combination of the two technologies has never been demonstrated before, the researchers suggest. Applications of the reactor are also conceivable in industry, as they contribute to the goal of negative COշ emissions. A next step could be to convert some of the stored COշ into new fuels or chemicals.