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Wind and solar farms are rapidly built around the world. Australia has just approved the construction of the world’s largest solar park. This solar park, to be built in the north of the country, will eventually generate 6 gigawatts of electricity. This will enable the park to supply energy to about 6 million households. Let’s zoom in on the Netherlands for a moment: where are the largest solar and wind farms within our borders?

Largest solar farm in the Netherlands

According to the Compendium for the Living Environment (CLO), the total area of solar parks in the Netherlands will almost double in one year to about 3,900 hectares in 2022.
The largest solar park in the Netherlands is near Biddinghuizen. This park, realized by Solarfields, consists of 312,148 solar panels and, with a total capacity of 144 MWp, has enough capacity to supply electricity to 34,000 households over the next 25 years.

Largest onshore wind farm, in the Netherlands

The largest onshore wind farm in the Netherlands is located in Eastern Flevoland. Windplan Groen has 86 wind turbines and an installed capacity of 515 MW. As a result, the farm supplies approximately 1.8 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy annually, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of the entire province of Flevoland.

Largest offshore wind farm near the Netherlands

Wind farm Gemini, located nearly 85 kilometers off the coast of Groningen, above Schiermonnikoog, is the largest wind farm in the Netherlands. The park, which opened in May 2017, consists of 150 wind turbines that are not visible from the coast and provides energy to 785,000 households.

Much larger offshore wind farms will be added in the future. The government has successfully tendered the largest Dutch offshore wind farm. This is the IJmuiden Ver wind farm, which, with a capacity of 4 gigawatts, will produce enough electricity to power 5.5 million households starting in 2029. The wind farm will be located more than 62 kilometers off the coast.