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Offshore wind: we need it more than ever before. Currently, offshore wind farms supply nearly 16% of electricity for Dutch households and businesses, accounting for 4.5 gigawatts. According to the Climate Agreement, about 21 gigawatts must be generated from offshore wind farms by 2032. Companies from our little country are helping the offshore wind industry move forward, sometimes in surprising ways. We highlight three pioneers.

Why this is important:

Wind energy is an important pillar in the energy transition.

A connecting piece

Tree Composites is currently making a significant contribution to offshore wind with a carbon fiber connector. Previously, steel structures had to be welded to create wind farms, a process that requires significant time and resources. Thanks to the company’s new technology, welding is no longer necessary. Not only does this result in a 50% reduction in construction time, but also in extending the life of the structures by a factor of 5,000.

The connector is also important for sustainability. The steel in existing structures accounts for 70-80% of the carbon footprint. The new connection piece can significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Tests have shown that the material can withstand severe storms in the North Sea.


Dan: Ampelmann. The company, led by Jan van der Tempel, has developed special walkways that provide safe access to offshore wind turbines. These bridges can operate in temperatures down to -40°C and waves up to 10 meters high. The concept is inspired by aircraft simulators, where counter-movements create stability even in high waves. Ampelmann has now produced 75 footbridges and has 400 employees worldwide.

Robot on the seabed

Realizing wind farms also requires research on the sea floor. Lobster Robotics focuses on making deep-sea research affordable. The company is developing a robot that can take measurements at a depth of 6,000 meters. The high cost of current research equipment often hinders oceanic research, and the company is countering that with its innovation.