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The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) and grid operator TenneT are working together on three high-voltage offshore grids for the transmission of electricity from offshore wind energy areas to the mainland. The Province of Zeeland and the eight Zeeland municipalities will receive €50 million from the national climate fund to strengthen the quality of life in the vicinity of the landfall sites. On Monday, May 27, 2024, the signatures were added to the administrative agreement.

The national government has made a total of €500 million available from the climate fund for Area Investments Networks at Sea. The €50 million for Zeeland is part of the first tranche of €220 million from the European Recovery and Resilience Fund.

Projects that the Province will invest in

  1. The establishment of an area fund Veerse Meer. Contribution from Regioplan: € 1,500,000. This fund aims to improve the environmental and ecological quality of Lake Veere by promoting sustainable tourism and recreational activities.
  2. Optimization and sustainability of wastewater reuse Coroos. Contribution from Regioplan: € 450,000. Coroos is a local food processing company.
  3. Sustainable energy solutions in combination with fresh water for agriculture. Contribution from Regioplan: € 1,220,000. This includes the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy and innovations in energy-efficient agricultural techniques.
  4. Accelerate energy transition. Contribution from Regioplan: € 1,200,000.