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Eindhoven University of Technology’s (TU/e) student team TU/ecomotive presented Phoenix, a car whose up to 75% of its material can be reused in new vehicles. Using mono-material structures (structures consisting of one type of material), four times more materials can be recovered from it than conventional cars, whose so-called closed-loop recycling rate is 21%.

In closed-loop recycling, a material can be reused endlessly without significantly losing quality or specific properties. However, the automotive industry mostly opts for downcycling, a process of turning recycled materials into products of lower quality. Sector organization Auto Recycling Nederland (ARN) reports that 88% of car materials are reused. Due to the loss of quality in downcycling, most of the materials don’t end up in new cars. These materials are then incorporated into other products, such as pens and clothing.

With more than six million vehicles discarded in Europe each year – leading to millions of tons of waste – improving the recycling process across the board can help curb serious environmental problems and preserve large amounts of valuable materials.

Circular economy

With Phoenix, TU/ecomotive’s goal is to achieve the highest possible closed-loop recycling rate, where materials can be recovered and reused in their original state in new products of the same kind. The secret lies primarily in the mono-material structures, where a minimal variety of materials has been used, and the clever fastening methods, where the materials are not permanently connected. As a result, the quality of the materials deteriorates less quickly after reuse, and recycling efficiency is increased.

Optimal battery life

Batteries are also generally difficult to reuse, so it is important to optimize battery life. The team did so by integrating both fixed and removable batteries into the car. The removable batteries are used only for long distances, increasing the driving range by more than 60%. They can also be used to charge electrical devices at home when the car is not in use. Because the removable batteries are less intensively used, they last longer.

Upcoming EU regulations

With Phoenix, TU/ecomotive also responds to Brussels’ changing regulations. A new regulation from the European Commission must ensure that circularity in the automotive industry improves in design and production and stipulates that vehicles must consist of a set percentage of 25% recycled plastic, of which 25% closed-loop must be reused from cars. So this means that the total amount of closed-loop recycled material must be 6.25%.

Although this percentage could be even higher, the students say this is a step in the right direction. “The European Commission is setting the right course, but more is needed to transform the industry,” clarifies Tim van Grinsven, team manager of TU/ecomotive.

Van Grinsven explains that the team aims to inspire the automotive industry to design more sustainably. “The earth does not provide unlimited resources, so more efficient use of materials is the solution. Phoenix is our answer, and we invite the industry to join us in this challenge.”