Rockstart demoday AI may 2018
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Rockstart heeft de startups geselecteerd voor haar 2e AI-programma in Den Bosch. Getalenteerde vrouwen en mannen uit zeven verschillende landen gaan de komende 180 dagen aan de slag met het bouwen en verfijnen van hun producten, het discussiëren met mentoren en het contact met potentiële investeerders en klanten. Het eerste AI-programma laat al zien waar dit toe kan leiden, met drie alumni die in de eerste zes maanden na afloop van het programma in totaal 1,2 miljoen euro bijeenbrachten.

Lees hier over het eerste AI-programma van Rockstart

“Het AI-programma is gericht op toegang tot de markt voor diep-technologiebedrijven”, aldus Marjel Quekel, Accelerator Director bij Rockstart. “We verbinden de startups met de meest relevante spelers in de industrie en faciliteren het proces om partnerships en pilotklanten in het AI-programma te stimuleren. We ondersteunen de startups ook met toegang tot expertise, netwerk en kapitaal, net als bij onze andere programma’s”.

De starters krijgen ook toegang tot state-of-the-art onderzoekskennis via Rockstart’s partnerschap met Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS). JADS a is een Master en PhD Data Science University gericht op ondernemerschap. “In de ondernemingswereld zijn er twee soorten bedrijven”, zegt Bernard McKeown, AI Program Director bij Rockstart. “De bedrijven die al een AI-strategie hebben en degenen die er nog naar op zoek zijn. Dit zorgt voor een vruchtbare bodem. Dat wil niet zeggen dat er geen uitdagingen in het verschiet liggen, maar met de steun van het programma, ons ecosysteem en onze partners willen we deze veelbelovende starters helpen om de fundamenten te leggen die nodig zijn voor een succesvol bedrijf”.

De negen startups die deelnemen aan het AI 2018 programma hebben meerdere achtergronden en zijn afkomstig uit zeven landen. Dit zijn ze:

Cramstack (Bangladesh) provides a natural language-driven interface that analyses and visualizes data with which it learns from a users behaviour. This eliminates the software learning curve seen in other Business Intelligence platforms. Cramstack can be connected with multiple data sources which provide a smart analytics ecosystem that automatically models data to facilitate insights generation.

Sentetic (Italy) works with any equipment connected sensors, it extracts data directly from a users database or enterprise asset management system. It uses existing historical data to do a multitude of tasks from identifying unseen anomalies to scheduling tasks based on priority classes. The predictive engine analyzes and builds a forecasting model of operating condition, compares real-time data and notifies OSS if there is an anomaly.

Medvice (the Netherlands) uses neural networks to aid doctors in their decisions and speed up the consultation process. Medvice AI gradually learns and processes better and smart solutions to help improve care. With this AI technology Medvice consultation will be safer while reducing waiting times and being cost efficient.

Element 13 (France) is a machine learning add-on for data providers such as Elasticsearch, InfluxData’s and TICK stack. It uses CLI to create, train and manage users machine learning jobs, as well as provides an API embed machine learning directly into users own application. Its mission is to facilitate AI technology adoption with the fastest time to market. It does this by removing the complexity involved with Tensorflow, allowing software developers to learn ML quickly and produce reliable results for their business.

Pixyle (Macedonia) platform uses AI to train machines to recognize garments in images. The platform then performs similarity matching of the clothes in an image with the clothes of all sustainable brands that it collaborates with. Through this, it gives recommendations on where to buy the item. This makes identifying consumers taste and showing them where to buy products from sustainable brands effortless.

Agrex AI (India) transforms visual data into actionable business intelligence. It allows users to count customers and identify them by age and gender. Through this retailers gain valuable intelligence to better understand what merchandise to stock its stores. Agrex Video content analysis (AVCA) allows users to automatically analyze video to detect and determine events in real time.

Taktify (Iran)  offers users a smart social media post management solution through AI, removing the need for media experts. By using both text data mining and image recognition it is able to provide companies valuable insights into customer feedback, profiles, and preferences. Taktify is supported by two talented Iranian women breaking the glass ceiling in their region.

Xane AI (India) is an AI chatbot for companies to use for employee management. It acts as an assistant for CEO’s and through AI and machine learning is able to interact with employees on the CEO’s belief. Xane AI chatbot is able to interact with employees of organizations any collaboration platform the company uses.

Footty (Ukraine) uses image recognition AI technology to create high-quality foot scans and make an accurate shoe fit prediction based only on feet photos and sales data. This ensures people have the correct shoe fit. It can be used by offline and online retailers, without any application or hardware required.