Decarbonizing Europe – Portugal

What are Portugal’s plans to become more sustainable?
Find out in our project Decarbonizing Europe

Portugal was the first country to submit a plan to the European Commission. It was also one of the first ones to receive a green light, receiving €16.6 billion – in grants and loans. Social, economic, and territorial resilience is the component accounting for almost half of the total budget. Despite being particularly vulnerable to climate change, the country is investing only 37 percent of its recovery budget on it. Drought and forest fires are some of the problems the country is facing. In addition to that, Portugal imports all of the fossil fuels it uses.  Are you curious about how Portugal is planning to decarbonize? Read more in our stories below. 

How much did Portugal emit in 2019?


Greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the EU


Less greenhouse gas emissions per capita than the EU average

Click here for the full list of countries and their emissions

All the stories about Portugal in this project: