Eugène Franken
ir. Eugène Franken is an architect and works in the disciplines architecture, urban planning and landscape on current socially relevant spatial tasks.

Between dream and deed

Static and relevance at the Dutch Design Week

The era when innovations could develop without women is now well and truly over

Why innovation is vital even for an old monumental estate

Chief Government Architect of the Netherlands in TV special: the creative elite as part of the problem

Apologies to the Dutch State of Brabant

Clients get from architects what they ask for but don’t expect

How star architects are shaping Brainport City in The Netherlands

Every tweet is a tiny piece of research

Fascinating innovation: the ‘Fallschirmjägergewehr’ – a rifle specially built for paratroopers

A good plinth design is essential for successful urban development

Accelerate residential construction with retro-innovation

‘Hyperloop doesn’t have to cost the government a cent’

Should we get rid of gas or not?

The 15-minute city

Super St.Catherine’s: Raising the church 55 meters is a smart idea

Centuries-old yet still innovative: All about hemplime and sticky rice

EHVXL garners public support for urban renewal